In my coaching sessions, I teach students effective prioritization techniques, helping them identify the most important tasks to focus on for their success. We practice these strategies together, empowering them to manage their workload with confidence, reduce anxiety, and enhance academic performance. As they master these skills, students not only excel in school but also experience a deeper sense of accomplishment and enjoyment in their learning journey.

Coaching Readiness Questionnaire

Each session also involves identifying personal stress triggers, like overwhelming assignments or looming deadlines. Together, we develop a customized emotional regulation toolkit with proven strategies to help them manage stress and strengthen their executive function skills.

I find the most successful students rely on me applying this theory to all the sessions:

Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is a psychological framework that focuses on human motivation and personality. Developed by Richard Ryan and Edward Deci, SDT posits that people are motivated to grow and change by three innate psychological needs:

  1. Autonomy: The need to feel in control of one’s own actions and decisions. It emphasizes the importance of being self-directed and having a sense of volition.

  2. Competence: The need to feel effective and capable in one’s activities. This involves mastering skills and achieving goals.

  3. Relatedness: The need to feel connected to others and to experience a sense of belonging. This involves having meaningful relationships and feeling supported by others.

According to SDT, when these three needs are satisfied, individuals experience greater intrinsic motivation, leading to enhanced well-being, performance, and overall personal growth. Conversely, when these needs are thwarted, motivation may diminish, leading to negative outcomes. SDT is often applied in various contexts, including education, work, and health, to promote environments that foster motivation and engagement.

For a more in depth look at our coaching sessions, please visit: In Depth Coaching Session

How do you run a coaching session?