I am a certified Suzuki Method cello instructor in books 1-10 and beyond. The Suzuki Method embraces daily practice to ensure progress, parental involvement to encourage the student, and listening to train the student’s aural imagination. In addition to my Suzuki Method training, I’ve also studied with internationally acclaimed cello pedagogue Irene Sharp in San Francisco.
As students learn that commitment to practice is the key to success, they develop feelings of so much joy and confidence in their cello playing. Their daily discipline results in many opportunities like full music scholarships, placing in All-State Orchestra and winning first place in concerto competitions. Seeing them beam with confidence after working so hard is one of the greatest joys I get to witness as a teacher. This is why I teach.
My hobbies:
Practicing yoga daily with my husband at Yonder Yoga, playing with my dog Ginger, asking my friends ridiculous hypothetical questions and attempting to bake without using recipes (It rarely works.)