Practice Strategies

1. Chunk it- only one or two measures

2. Penny Game- how many correct repetitions can you get in a row

3. Add a note- play first note, then first note plus next note, then first three notes, etc.

4. Add a Measure

5. Reverse- start on last measure of the piece and then add the measure before that etc.

6. Half Tempo

7. Pick a focus- musicality, intonation, tone, rhythm

8. Write in the Rhythm

9. Clap the Rhythm

10. Write in the shifts

11. Count the rhythm

12. Sing your part

13. Record Yourself- this is one of the BEST strategies!

14. Practice with a friend 

15. Practice with a friend online

16. Perform your piece

17. Practice in a new location

18. Pluck, then add bow

19. Air Bow

20. Air bow while singing notes

21. Bow on open strings

22. Name the notes

23. Make it Easy Rhythms- 12 stop 34 stop or 1 stop 2341 stop 2341 stop

 24. Write out your music from memory

25. Spider metronome- start at 70, then 75, then 65, then 80, then 60, then 85, then 55, then 90, then 50, then 95

25. Ghost fingers- 1% weight in left hand, then 15% weight in left hand, 25% etc.

26. Make up a story

27. Divide your piece into sections and then pull those numbers out of a jar and try to play that section


Executive Function Skills


Practice slowly 🙄